We at Talentonus have set this privacy policy for the general users of this website. We respect your privacy and it is committed to protecting your personal data. We use a variety of security technologies and procedures to help protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclose. It is our policy to discuss specific vacancies with candidates prior to submitting their job application to the client, but this may not always be possible. You agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, or exploit for any personal or commercial purpose, any portion of the service, use of the service, or access to the service.
For a better experience, while using our service, we may require you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information including Name, Address, Phone, Email, Date of Birth, Qualification, etc. We will only process sensitive data with your express consent, unless the processing of your sensitive personal data is necessary for the other reason permitted by law. We use diligent care to protect all the information provided by you in all manner, despite which we shall not be liable for any loss of data or information provided.
Any pages or any other medium storage may only be used for viewing purpose. You shall not infringe any of the intellectual property right owned by Talentonus by using this website or its information. If we decide to change in our terms and privacy, we will post those changes on this page.
Talentonus reserves the right at any time or from time to time, to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently the service with or without notice. You agree that Talentonus shall not be liable to you or any third party for any modification, suspension or discontinuance of the service.
If a candidate is selected for a job through Talentonus, he/she will be solely the employee of the concerning organization and Talentonus will not be responsible for any legal or any other matter between the candidate and the organization.
When candidates are going for the interview on behalf of Talentonus then they have to mention our company name on application so we can easily aware.
If any candidate is working through our reference in our client company then we will not place that candidate to any other company until he left the job or in notice period.
We shall submit the invoice after 5 days with the list of candidates joined through our source along with relevant professional fees. The professional fees shall be paid within 30 days from the date of joining of candidates.
If invoices are settled and due to any reason candidate(s) side, candidate leave the company within 90 days of joining, free replacement for the same position will be provided by Talentonus.
Client shall provide us with the complete details of the candidate(s) appointed through our side Etc. Date of joining, Designation and compensation-CTC of the candidate(s) maximum within 5 days from the date of his/her selecting.
If there are any queries regarding this terms & privacy policy you may reach us on contact@talentonus.in